Flagship Products


DTK-01C2000 CZT Detector


Product Introduction

The DTK-01C2000 series detector is an ultra-compact spectral detection device developed based on hemispherical cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) crystals, equipped with X-ray and low-energy γ-ray spectral testing capabilities.

The interior of the DTK-01C2000 includes CZT crystals (with a variety of crystal sizes available for users to choose from), and a low-noise, charge-sensitive preamplifier circuit. It converts the incident X-rays and γ-rays into exponentially decaying signal amplitudes, which are then directly fed into a multi-channel energy spectrum acquisition system (independently developed) through a five-core cable, in conjunction with a high-voltage power supply (independently developed) and spectrometer amplifier (independently developed).

Product Features Portable, easy to operate, high energy resolution, high sensitivity, low noise, operates at room temperature, and maintains a stable state.

Application Fields National security, industrial radiography, spectral analysis, environmental monitoring, nuclear science and technology, food safety inspection, counter-terrorism.

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